Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Put To Rest On Scaffolding

The average, modern day funeral in the United States costs around 6,000 dollars. Over 100 years ago however, the Dakota Sioux’s Funeral and Burial customs differed very much from modern day rituals. A very common practice for the Sioux was to place the body on a scaffold-like platform raised about seven to eight feet from the ground: this was to protect the body from being dug up by predatory animals and eaten. Many buckets and packages are hung from the platform containing food for the deceased one on his/her “journey”. Also placed on the platform were the dead one’s weapons or belongings such as medicine bundles, tobacco and pipes, or eagle feathers as a sign of distinction. The actual body was wrapped tightly in animal skins and the face was painted with symbols if he was a warrior. Once these tasks were completed, the departed could travel on their final journey to the “happy hunting grounds” where he/she would come to rest with the ‘Great Spirit’ for eternity.
By Andrew Nyberg